
sábado, junho 06, 2009

Guia essencial para Dreamweaver CS4 com CSS, Ajax e PHP

Guia essencial para Dreamweaver CS4 com CSS, Ajax e PHP
Ficha Técnica

Título: Guia essencial para Dreamweaver CS4 com CSS, Ajax e PHP
Autor: David Powers
Estilo: Tutorial
Lançamento: 2009
Idioma: Inglês
Páginas: 942
Site Oficial: Clique Aqui!

Resumo (Sinopse)
Dreamweaver CS4 is a massive step forward in terms of integration with the rest of the CS4 suite (Flash, Fireworks, Photoshop, etc.), and also includes whole host of exciting new features of its own. The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS4 with CSS, Ajax, and PHP concentrates on getting the best out of Dreamweaver CS4, rather than going into every menu item and toolbar icon. The emphasis is on developing websites compliant with the latest web standards, using CSS, Java;Scri=pt libraries (with particular emphasis on Spry, Adobe’s implementation of Ajax), and PHP.


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